Friday, January 13, 2012

Another Year, More progress

We're at the brink of promotion for each of my students again.  Some curricula have grown with us, others we are trading in for new.  I've simplified things this year by replacing our History curriculum with something more manageable for me.  Here's where we've landed so far.

Math on the Level
Alphabet Island Phonics Level 2A
Science - Dad in the Lab
A Reason for Handwriting A
Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind Level 1
Story of the World Year 2 and Materials
Rosetta Stone Italian

Mary and William:
Math on the Level
Eagles' Wings Phonics Handbook
Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind Level 3
Reading for the Gifted Student Grade 3
Story of the World Year 2 and Materials
Science - Dad in the Lab
Lifepac Bible Level 3
A Reason for Handwriting B
Mavis Beacon Typing
Rosetta Stone Italian